Thursday, February 13, 2025

Temporary Location Found for February

Michael B. Everling writes: 

Thank you for your forbearance. We are still working to find a new, permanent venue for our monthly meetings. Meanwhile, we settled on a temporary location for next Monday, February 17, 2025.

We will meet from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. (or later?) at the IHOP in Alhambra.

Go to 701 South Fremont at Concord. Plenty of free parking. Separate checks okay. Friendly management and staff. Senior menu. Open 24 hours, so if you want to stay all night arguing over commas, you're welcome.

Seriously, this is a great place. It's near my neighborhood, so I know and recommend this venue.

We will continue to explore prospects on the Westside, including an IHOP there. Please bear with us on this interim locale. Our suggested topic for Monday is "Politics and Foreign Policy at the Speed of Trump." We'll review the first three weeks of the new administration. Open discussion.


Monday, February 03, 2025

A Site for Libertarian Gamers

Karl Hess Club attendee Joseph Miranda has created a new SubStack site called Gamer Cadre.

It covers free speech in the world of game design and military simulations, with additional analysis of cybernetic conflict. Plus commentary on libertarian related films.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

February Update

Michael B. Everling writes:

We are endeavoring to locate a new venue for the Karl Hess Club's monthly meetings. So far, we have found two prospects on the Westside, where we want to keep the club situated. We have looked at two restaurants on the Eastside, in Alhambra and South Pasadena, in case we meet there on a temporary basis.

Our hope is to resume meetings this month on our regular Third Monday, as we are fast accumulating a serious backlog of program topics we want to present.

We appreciate your patience and understanding. The next update will be the Thursday before our meeting date, when we expect to have a definite answer.

Thank you for your support and Happy Groundhog Day!

Friday, December 13, 2024

No Meetings in December or January

Michael B. Everling writes:

"We regret that due to a loss of our venue, we will not meet in December or January. We are taking this hiatus to find just the right location for our meetings.

"Dinah's Kitchen, successor to our longtime venue, Dinah's Family Restaurant, has closed permanently and with very little notice. 

"It is our intention to keep the club in the general environs of the Westside of Los Angeles. The location must meet certain requirements, so we are taking extra time in our search.

"We thank you for your patience and understanding. Because we are living through interesting times, we are eager to get back to business. We hope that will be by February.

"We wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Boxing Day, and extend best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous New Year. 

"Your servant, Mike."

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Dinah's Closes for Good

Michael B. Everling writes:

"I was apprised by Linda Dorfmont that effective now, Dinah's Kitchen is no longer in business. Thus we must find another venue (yet again) for the KHC.

"Linda suggested the IHOP in Westchester. I will follow up on this and see if we can get seated for Third Monday this month. This seems like possibly a good solution. I will try to nail down this tentative new venue in the next few days.

"My greatest regret about all this is that we, and I, will miss our great Dinah's staff, Sandra, Sue, Roberto, et al. I hope they will be okay, but I'm sad we didn't have an opportunity to say good-bye and good luck. This sort of thing, which does happen, is particularly tough right before Christmas. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

"Just flabbergasted that Dinah's legacy ends like this. Very sad.

"Well, sometimes you must take the bad with the good. More on this sad subject as it develops. I will try to update you in the next two to three days.

"Thanks and Blessings."

Monday, June 24, 2024

Karl Hess Club's 30th Anniversary Party

The KHC celebrated its 30th Anniversary, at Dinah's new Culver City location, on June 17, 2024. Here are some images.


Friday, April 26, 2024

Karl Hess Club Moves to New Venue

Dinah's Restaurant is moving, and along with it the KHC.

Beginning on Monday, May 20, 2024, the KHC will convene at 4130 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City (near Washington Place).
