Longtime KHC attendee Pamela Maltzman forwards this email regarding Regina Cobb, whom some of you may have known:
Dear Friends,
It is with great sorrow that we must share with you the news that our sister, Regina Cobb, passed away on Dec. 30 after a massive stroke.
It has been a devastating loss, and Gina will be greatly missed. She touched many lives in many ways we cannot even know. You are receiving this email because your name was found in a list of Gina's contacts.
A Memorial Service will be held on Friday, Feb. 3 at 10:30 AM at:
Christ Lutheran Church
28850 So. Western Ave
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
Please let us know if you plan to attend.
May Peace be With You,
Regina's Family
Valerie Hennes (sister) vhennes at toast dot net
John Liudzius (brother) reginacobbmemorial at gmail dot com
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