Thursday, December 24, 2015

Dallas Legan Hospitalized

Jay Jones sends the below message:

Dallas Legan is in County USC Hospital undergoing treatment for a tumor. He will be there for about two months. He would like to get visitors, phone calls, and emails. (He is in contact with his home computer via a tablet.)

He is in Room 6A C146. His phone number there is 323-409-5500 X29261. His email is

The best time to phone him, and I suppose to visit, seems to be in the evening. The worst time is in the morning, probably because he may be getting his treatments then.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I Knew Karl Hess

Doug Korty wishes me to post his below message, and welcomes responses from people who remember Karl Hess:

I knew Karl in 1973. I went to meetings with him and other people when they were setting up the trout tanks and talking about other urban survivalist things and other environmental projects.

I had a very demanding job for Congress so I lost touch with the group but I was very impressed with Karl and very fond of him. He was brilliant and very kind and generous. However, I thought their ideas would not go very far.

They had one project that involved an insulating foam of some kind that could be used to build houses that would need very little AC. I don't know what happened to that. There was another young man in the group who went on to found a New Age environmental group in Minnesota, I think. Do you know who that was, first name David, I think?

I am retired now. I create educational websites.

Doug Korty


Website: Midwest Independent Research Improvements
