Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Coronavirus Closure Update No. 8

Michael B. Everling writes:

Well, here we go again. Just when things seemed to be getting back on track, we must yet again, with great regret, stand down the club meetings due to the non availability of our venue.

Sadly, this situation may obtain for the next several months based on information.

In the interim, we will publish, as usual, our ennouncements and eminders to keep you up to date on our disposition and to provide you with content you may find useful.

We will postpone and hold for rescheduling our programs each month as we go. Thus, we will invite this month’s speaker, Nancy Shiffrin, to join us sometime early next year.

If things open up sooner rather than later, we will continue the scheduled programs from that point. However, we anticipate that the closure may well extend to the end of the calendar year.

We appreciate your understanding and forebearance and we regret the inconvenience to our speakers and members.


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